Monday 20 January 2014

Audience Feedback

My music video is publicly available on YouTube for people of the world to view and leave feedback or comments. 

Due to my band being so unknown I did not receive a lot of feedback on my music video however I did receive some from my classmates and family.
Most of the feedback was positive. There were positive comments lighting, particularly at the beginning of my video and also the variety of shots I used. One of the main criticisms however was the quality of the footage. Due to being in a concert environment and having to use a school camera the quality of my footage was out of my control to a certain extent. I tried to rectify it in the editing stage however I felt I could not get the quality up to a high standard, something I would consider next time I film anything. 

Wednesday 8 January 2014

Final Album- Dutch Criminal Record

 FRONT                                                                                         INSIDE LEFT (BOOKLET SLOT)

INLAY                                                                   SPINE                                                              BACK

As you can see the album I have created is very simplistic, taking inspiration from my deconstruction of the Arctic Monkeys album. Also there are some conventions that I could not use in making my album as the band are not signed and manage themselves. For example a credit block or record label logos were not necessary.
After creating the main album I designed the booklet that would fit inside it.
   BACK OF BOOKLET                                                                                     FRONT OF BOOKLET

                                                                 INSIDE OF BOOKLET