Thursday 11 July 2013

Animation Workshop

I took part in an animation workshop run by Mark Charlton who is responsible for the 'Gold Thread' video by Passenger. In the workshop I learnt about different animation techniques, for example stop motion and pixilation animation. We were shown how each technique works and then had the opportunity to try them ourselves. Here is a video of our tryouts for each technique:

(This video includes the songs 'Spanish Flea' by Herb Alpert and 'Popcorn' by Hot Butter. Full credit goes to these artists. Their music has only been used for educational purposes.)
(My group, including myself, creating our animation)

We were then split off into groups, asked to choose our preferred animation technique and then create our own, short section of a music video. We chose to use stop motion for our music video. We created all the cut outs ourselves and produced them by hand in the time slot that we were given.
Here is our final product:

Monday 8 July 2013

Chroma Key Workshop

I took part in a workshop that allowed me to learn about the use of chroma key. I learnt about the way chroma key works and when it is most likely used. I then further researched into how chroma key is used in music videos and found that it is sometimes utilised.
In the workshop we were able to create our own short chroma key piece of film using green screen and the 3 point lighting technique.
Here are some screen-shots of our original footage using the green screen:

Using this footage, we uploaded it onto the computer and edited it together with the background using the software 'Adobe Premier Pro'. Here is our final product:
This workshop has taught me how to use chroma key and has therefore given me the option of using it in my music video which I am seriously considering. However, in order to use this technique in my final piece of work I will need to improve on a number of things, for example making sure my actors stay in the frame at all times in order to avoid them disappearing out of the side of the shot into nothing when the editing is finished. Also I will need to find my own locations to film my own backgrounds. I will also look into other lighting techniques, perhaps using more than 3 lights to help make my use of chroma key in my music video look as professional as possible.

Friday 5 July 2013


For my A2 media studies coursework I have chosen to create a promotional package for the the release of a new album. The package will include a music video, digipak album cover and a magazine advertisement for the album.