Saturday 30 November 2013


Although I do not have much control over costumes as I will be filming the band live as I can, I have planned what I would like them to wear and what I think they will wear.


As I am going to be filming live and only when the band have a gig it is very difficult for me to plan the whole video exactly. Therefore I have planned some shots and a few key sequences that I need to film and the rest will depend on the access I can get at the gig on the day.

This is my storyboard for the opening sequence of the song:
This is my storyboard for the middle section of the song:
Finally, this is my storyboard for the very last section of the song:

Wednesday 27 November 2013


Whilst deconstructing existing music videos similar to the one I want to create, I have found a few shots that have inspired me. For example this shot from Mumford and Sons- I Will Wait:
It shows the whole crowd, emphasising it's size and the popularity of the band. Although I may not be able to film a crowd of the same size as this I want to try and use the same angle and height in a shot for my video in order to get the same sort of effect that this shot has.

Another example is this shot from Muse- Resistance:
This shot shows just one member of the band playing their instrument. I want to have singular shots of each the members in my band as well as all them together. This will help to create an individuality for each of my band members as well as making them look like a band. It will also keep my video interesting and exciting and appeal to my target audience.

The lighting in this shot from Coldplay- Fix You has also inspired me:
I want to try and recreate this bright lighting effect but change it to suit my video. My aim is to use a stage light behind my band members in order to make a shadowy, silhouette shot of one of my members playing guitar. I think it will add a lot of value to my music video and will look physically appealing to the audience.

Finally, this shot from 3 Doors Down- Every time You Go has given me an idea of how I can be filming when I film my band live. This low angle shot puts the audience in the postition of the crowd watching the band, something that I wish to recreate in my music video.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Dutch Criminal Record Lyric Annotations

In order to plan my music video and to get a feel or the lyrics and timings of the song, I wrote out the lyrics and worked out the timings of each section.

Friday 1 November 2013

Asking for Song Permission

I emailed the band Dutch Criminal Record to ask for permission to use their songs and themselves in my music video. As they manage themselves I was able to speak to them directly and also as I know them quite well I was able to keep the emails quite informal.

The band replied almost immediately and were very happy for me to use their song and create a music video for their song 'One Day'.

Band Name

I have considered changing the name of the band for the purposes of my music video.
I considered names such as:
                                          -The Criminals
                                          - Run for Sun
                                          - Backward Criminal

However, I decided to keep the band's name as Dutch Criminal Record or DCR for short. I think the name suits them perfectly and the abbreviation of Dutch Criminal Record to DCR is something that my target audience will pick up on and enjoy.