Friday 4 October 2013

3 Doors Down Video Deconstruction

3 Doors Down- Every Time You Go   Signed to Universal Republic Records   Genre: Rock
SHOT: Low Angle Wide
EDIT: Cuts quickly to next shot
ANALYSIS: This low angle shot shows the artists on stage at a live gig. They are performing the song live, showing that they actually play the instruments. The low angle gives the artists on stage a sense of power, making them most important as we are looking up at them. This also creates realism, putting the viewer into the audience, making it seem as if we are actually watching them live. The lighting is dark, highlighting the artists on stage and making the concert scene realistic.
SHOT: Wide Angle Long
EDIT: Quick cut to next shot
ANALYSIS: This shot puts us in the position of the band themselves, involving the audience. This will appeal to a fan as it will make them feel closer to the band; they will feel more involved. This shot also shows the crowd the band is performing to. These shots are repeated throughout the video showing various different locations and venues the band has performed in. This also appeals to the fan as they can recognise the show they attended, reminding them of the time they had there, giving them a personal link to the video and the band. Again the lighting is quite dark with shadows, making the concert location realistic.
SHOT: Medium (hand held)
LYRICS: You take a part of me, a part of me with you’
EDIT: Cuts to a montage of backstage footage
ANALYSIS: This shot shows the band backstage. This is very much a fan video as this allows the fans to see the band backstage, letting them feel more of a part of the band. The lighting here is quite bright, setting it apart from the rest of the video, emphasising the change of location and scene. We can see a member of the band signing something in this shot. This along with the size of the crowds in the rest of the video show how popular the band is. It is almost showing off how well they are doing.
SHOT: Medium Close Up
LYRICS: ‘You take a part of me with you’
EDIT: Fades to next shot

ANALYSIS: This shot stands out from the rest of the video as it is in black and white. These types of shots are repeated throughout the video in short montages. They are pictures of the band put together. As the song gets faster and more upbeat these pictures are shown, cut together at a faster pace than the rest of the music video. They have purposely done this to keep the video exciting and interesting for the audience. 

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