Thursday 10 October 2013

Mumford and Sons Video Deconstruction

Mumford and Sons- I Will Wait      Signed to Island Records       Genre: Folk Rock
SHOT: Extreme Wide
LYRICS: Music intro
EDIT: Fades into next shot
ANALYSIS: The establishing shot sets the location of the video which is a live performance. We can see the band on the stage and they are all together, showing that they are together as a band. The wide shot is used to show the enormity of the crowd which is meant to reflect the band’s popularity and success. The crowd are all stood up, adding realism to the music video as they are watching the band live. The lighting has also been used to the band’s advantage. The lighting gets darker towards the top of the shot so that we can’t see the back of the crowd, making it looks bigger and almost never ending. This again emphasises the success and popularity of the band.
SHOT: Close up
LYRICS: ‘Well I came home’
EDIT: Cuts to next shot
ANALYSIS: This next shot is the first close up we see of any of the band. It cuts in time with the music to this shot where we can see the lead singer as the lyrics begin. This allows the audience to see who is singing so they can put a face to the voice. The fan will recognise this band member. Close ups are typical of a music video for a band as they give each member of the band a sense of individuality rather than them just being known as the band. This is also for the fans benefit as well as they are likely to have a favourite member so will appreciate the single shot of them. The dark shadowy lighting in this shot contrasts the bright, open light in the previous shot. This is to reflect the change in music. In the first shot the musical intro was loud and upbeat and so they lights were bright, whereas in this shot the tempo of the music slows slightly and becomes quieter which is replicated by the dimming of the lights.
SHOT: Wide
LYRICS: ‘I will wait for you’
EDIT: Cuts to next shot
ANALYSIS: Very much like the first shot, this is used to emphasise the size of the crowd. A wide shot has been used to make the crowd seem bigger, again to show how popular the band are. The lighting in this shot has gone back to being brighter as it is in the chorus when the tempo speeds up again. This shot fits with the lyrics of the song as it cuts to the crowd (the band’s fans’ as the band sings ‘I will wait for you’ which gives the audience the impression that they may be talking about their fans, giving them a link to the video. Also shots like these are slightly promotional. It is likely the band was on tour or had gigs at the time of the music video’s release and so these shots of the crowd enjoying themselves will encourage people to buy tickets to one of the bands shows. 

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