Friday 4 October 2013

Muse Video Deconstruction

Muse- Resistance      Signed to Warner Brothers Records        Genre: Rock
SHOT: Wide
LYRICS: Music Intro
EDIT: Panning
ANALYSIS: The establishing shot shows fans waiting outside a venue for one of the bands shows. Fans will be able to relate to this as they are likely to have been waiting outside one of their shows before and so will remember the time they had. The panning is used to make the crowd of people seem never ending. It is to emphasise the amount of people there and therefore emphasises the success and popularity of the band.
SHOT: Close Up
LYRICS: ‘Is our secret safe tonight?’
EDIT: Cuts to next shot
ANALYSIS: This is a very conventional shot for a band music video. This close up allows the audience to see who is singing so they can put a face to the voice. The fan will recognise this band member. Close ups are conventional of a music video for a band as they give each member of the band a sense of individuality rather than them just being known as the band. This is also for the fans benefit as well as they are likely to have a favourite member so will appreciate the single shot of them.
LYRICS: ‘It could be wrong, could be wrong’
EDIT: Cuts to next shot
ANALYSIS: It is extremely conventional of a rock genre music video that we see the artists playing instruments. Throughout this live performance music video we see the band playing each of their instruments. It shows that they can actually play their instruments and they often see it as a way of showing that they care about the music more than the popularity of being famous.  

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