LYRICS: ‘One for the road’
EDIT: Slowly zooms in then
cuts to next shot
ANALYSIS: In the establishing shot we see a girl stood in a leather
jacket with the song name ‘One for the Road’ written on the back. This along
with the black and white edit and strange location of what looks like a field
at night with a tractor in it, is meant to confuse the audience. It tempts them
to watch more to find out what the video and song is about. This is very
typical of an indie genre music video.
SHOT: Medium Close Up
EDIT: Cuts to next shot
ANALYSIS: After the establishing shot, there is then a quick series
of 4 cuts to medium close ups of each band member in time to the beat of the
music. The final member to be shown is Alex Turner, the main singer and lead
guitarist of the band. He has been kept last as he is likely to be the one that
most people will want to see as he is the face of the band. The close ups of
each band member is very conventional of a band music video as their fans will
have favourites that they want to see and it gives each member a sense of
individuality as well as showing them as a band. The lead singer is not looking
into the camera in this shot, he is looking slightly away from it giving the
impression that he is either looking at something else or is too self-righteous
to look at the audience which adds to his arrogant image in the band.
SHOT: Wide
LYRICS: ‘The cracks in
black out blinds’
EDIT: Tracks the vehicle
from the front then cuts to next shot
ANALYSIS: This shot shows one of the band members driving a tractor
through a country location on a dirt track. This shot does not reflect the
lyrics at all and will completely confuse the audience. There is no storyline
or relevance to the song at this point in the video. This purposeful confusion
is a very typical convention of an indie genre music video. Indie bands/artists
often like to make videos that don’t make sense and confuse the audience which
is what Arctic Monkeys have chosen to do with this video.
SHOT: Medium Close Up, Wide
LYRICS: ‘I knew this would
be on the cards’
EDIT: Cuts to next shot
ANALYSIS: This is the first time we see one of the band members
actually sing along with the lyrics of this song. It is the lead singer that we
see sing, again showing that he is the front man of the band. We can see the
rest of the band behind Alex Turner, but his positioning in the middle of the
shot and infront of the others gives the impression that he is more important;
he is the main focus of attention. Their outfits also show that Alex is the
lead member of the band. The other 3 are in black suits that are slightly
altered to each person, whereas Alex Turner is in a silver blazer, making him
stand out from the others. In this shot he uses direct mode of address,
involving the audience.
SHOT: Wide
‘One for the road’
EDIT: Cuts to next shot
ANALYSIS: This shot again is confusing. We see girls emerge from
the fog in what the audience can only assume is the same location the rest of
the video has been set in. We have not seen anyone else in the video other than
the band and the girl at the very beginning up until this point. The girls don’t
really have any relevance to the video, again going along with the convention
of indie genre videos not making sense.
SHOT: Wide
LYRICS: Instrumental
EDIT: Cuts to next shot
ANALYSIS: This shot is the climax of the music video. We finally
see the entire band playing their instruments. The whole video has built up
this this point, including the song. This is the break down in the song. The
front man Alex Turner is at the front of this shot; again to show off his
talents and we can see the drummer raised at the back. The 2 other members are
shown throughout the breakdown in the song. The smoke and girls keep the
convention of indie music videos not making sense whereas the band playing live
is also another typical convention of an indie music video. The fireworks
emphasise the part of the song that is playing and make it more interesting.
The song ends quite bluntly and so this is the last few shots that we see,
leaving it fresh in the audience’s minds and creating an impression, something
that the band like to do.
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